Natur als Grenzerfahrung
Europäische Perspektiven der Mensch-Natur-Beziehung in Mittelalter und Neuzeit: Ressourcennutzung, Entdeckungen, Naturkatastrophen
Kreye, Lars (editor)
Stühring, Carsten (editor)
Zwingelberg, Tanja (editor)
The book presents the results of a conference at the DFG Graduate College on "Interdiscipline History of Ecology" held in December, 2008. Nature has always been a definite factor for man as well as for societies, and in spite of many attempts to expand his sphere man has had to submit to nature in the face of catastrophies or the limitations of resources. The book comprises scientific and cultural history articles on mediaeval and modern ages, reflecting in a broad spectrum the topic nature as a borderland.
ecology; interdisciplinarity; history of ecologyDOI
Universitätsverlag GöttingenPublication date and place
The environment
Natural disasters
Environmental science, engineering and technology
Social and cultural history