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dc.contributor.authorGauthier, François
dc.description.abstractThis book argues that the last four decades have seen profound and important changes in the nature and social location of religion, and that those changes are best understood when cast against the associated rise of consumerism and neoliberalism. These transformations are often misunderstood and underestimated, namely because the study of religion remains dependent on the secularisation paradigm which can no longer provide a sufficiently fruitful framework for analysis. The book challenges diagnoses of transience and fragmentation by proposing an alternative narrative and set of concepts for understanding the global religious landscape. The present situation is framed as the result of a shift from a National-Statist to a Global-Market regime of religion. Adopting a holistic perspective that breaks with the current specialisation tendencies, it charts the emergence of the State and the Market as institutions and ideas related to social order, as well as their changing rapports from classical modernity to today. Breaking with a tradition of Western-centeredness, the book offers probing enquiries into Indonesia and a synthesis of global and Western trends. This long-awaited book offers a bold new vision for the social scientific study of religion and will be of great interest to all scholars of the Sociology and Anthropology of religion, as well as Religious Studies in general.
dc.relation.ispartofseriesRoutledge Studies in Religion
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JH Sociology and anthropology::JHB Sociology
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::K Economics, Finance, Business and Management::KC Economics::KCL International economics
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::Q Philosophy and Religion::QR Religion and beliefs::QRA Religion: general::QRAM Religious issues and debates::QRAM2 Religion and politics
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JH Sociology and anthropology::JHM Anthropology
dc.subject.otherWest Germany
dc.subject.otherDemarcation Line
dc.subject.otherGlobal-Market regime
dc.subject.otherMake Up
dc.subject.otherNational-Statist regime
dc.subject.otherTuomas Martikainen
dc.subject.otherclassical modernity
dc.subject.otherOpen Access Mode
dc.subject.othercivic religion
dc.subject.othereconomic globalisation
dc.subject.otherContemporary Societies
dc.subject.otherReligious Congregations
dc.subject.otherNational Statist Regime
dc.subject.otherVice Versa
dc.subject.otherConsumerism Function
dc.subject.otherAmr Khaled
dc.subject.otherNeoclassical Political Economy
dc.subject.otherAbdullah Gymnastiar
dc.subject.otherCivil Society
dc.subject.otherSecularisation Paradigm
dc.subject.otherHolistic Spiritualities
dc.subject.otherMediatisation Thesis
dc.subject.otherAa Gym
dc.subject.otherGerman Ordo Liberals
dc.subject.otherMarket Islam
dc.subject.otherAlterglobalist Movement
dc.titleReligion, Modernity, Globalisation
dc.title.alternativeNation-State to Market

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