Funded publications

  • Eidinow, Esther (2015)
    At the heart of this book are some trials conducted in Athens in the fourth century BCE. In each case, the charges involved a combination of supernatural activities, including potion-brewing and cult activity; the defendants ...
  • Driediger-Murphy, Lindsay; Eidinow, Esther (2019)
    The introduction to this volume describes the contribution that it makes to scholarship on ancient divinatory practices. It analyses previous and current research, arguing that while this predominantly functionalist work ...
  • Connolly, Magdalen M.; Outhwaite, Ben; Posegay, Nick (2024)
    This collection of essays celebrates 50 years since the founding of the Taylor-Schechter Genizah Research Unit at Cambridge University Library. Three generations of scholars contributed their research and memories from ...

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