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grantor.nameUniversity of Twente
grantor.acronymUniversiteit Twente
grantor.acronymUniversity of Twente (UT) | Research University in Enschede
grantor.acronymUniversity of Twente (UT)
grantor.acronymUniversity of Twente, Netherlands
grantor.acronymUniversity of Twente, Netherlands |
grantor.acronymUniversity of Twente | World University Rankings | THE
grantor.acronymUniversity of Twente in Netherlands
grantor.acronymUniversity of Twente or Universiteit Twente (UT)
grantor.acronymUniversity of Twente / Universiteit Twente
grantor.acronymUniversity of Twente | Enschede
grantor.acronymUniversity of Twente - University College Twente
grantor.acronymUniversity Of Twente - Enschede (Netherlands)
grantor.acronymNetherlands: Universiteit Twente
grantor.acronymUniversity of Twente (Enschede) Netherlands - Europe
grantor.acronymUniversity of Twente (Universiteit Twente)

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Funded publications

  • Bondarouk, Tanya; Olivas-Lujan, Miguel R. (2022)
    The ebook edition of this title is Open Access and freely available to read online. Smart industry requires better management. As industrial and production systems are future-proofed, becoming smart and interconnected ...
  • Hermann, Julia (2023)
    The work of Wittgenstein has so far received little attention from scholars working in the philosophy of technology. In this chapter, I relate my Wittgenstein-inspired account of moral certainty, which conceives of moral ...
  • Donnelly, Shawn (2018)
    This book examines the politics of Banking Union and EMU reform in the EU, and draws lessons for what it means for international politics, both in Europe, and for international relations more broadly. It demonstrates that ...