Richard Schaukal in Netzwerken und Feldern der literarischen Moderne
Richard Schaukal was in contact with some of literary modernism’s most important protagonists. In his early creative years, he stylized himself as an independent, isolated poet. After World War I, Schaukal became increasingly visible as a cultural critic, using his letters, essays, and literary works to take a stand against the new realities. His biography offers insights into the aesthetic, social, and political developments of his time.
Richard Schaukal Viennese modernism turn-of-the-century literature literary networksDOI
Walter de Gruyter GmbHPublication date and place
Berlin/Boston, 2020Series
Studien und Texte zur Sozialgeschichte der Literatur, 149Classification
Literature: history and criticism
Literary studies: c 1900 to c 2000