
  • Robbeets, Martine; Savelyev, Alexander (2017)
    Why do some languages wither and die, while others prosper and spread? Around the turn of the millennium a number of archaeologists such as Colin Renfrew and Peter Bellwood made the controversial claim that many of the ...
  • Takeda, Kayoko; Baigorri-Jalón, Jesús (2016-03-10)
    Who mediated intercultural exchanges in 9th-century East Asia or in early voyages to the Americas? Did the Soviets or the Americans invent simultaneous interpreting equipment? How did the US government train its first ...
  • Foolen, Ad; Lüdtke, Ulrike M.; Racine, Timothy P.; Zlatev, Jordan (2012-04-12)
    The close relationship between motion (bodily movement) and emotion (feelings) is not an etymological coincidence. While moving ourselves, we move others; in observing others move – we are moved ourselves. The fundamentally ...

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