Proust Cinématographe
Double-Blind-Peer-Review overseen by Publisher
Wie Raoul Ruiz Proust las
"Proust Cinematographe – Ruiz reading In Search of Lost Time" takes a new look at the metapoetic program of Proust’s A la Recherche du Temps perdu. Selected text passages and film excerpts are analyzed, focusing on the fundamental questions of the novel about the perception and description of time, subject, and identity. It turns out that the novel of the nineteenth century anticipated the concepts of modern cinema on a surprisingly broad scale.
literary film adaptation; intermediality; Ruiz; Proust; visuality; Erzähler; Erzählung; Gilles Deleuze; Le Temps (Frankreich); Mais; Marcel Proust; Recherche; WahrnehmungDOI
9783946054474; 9783946054467OCN
Heidelberg University Publishing (heiUP)Publisher website date and place
Heidelberg, 2017Classification
Film history, theory or criticism
Literary studies: fiction, novelists and prose writers