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dc.contributor.authorHenriksen, Kristoffer
dc.contributor.authorBecker-Larsen, Astrid
dc.contributor.authorHvid Larsen, Carsten 11:58:48
dc.identifierOCN: 1076658545en_US
dc.description.abstract"The present case study investigates stress and recovery of the Danish national under- 20 ice hockey players during a training camp and the following World Championship. The aims were to track their stress-recovery states longitudinally, and to map their main sources of stress and recovery. Methods included a survey, qualitative interviews and a coach diary. Results showed well-balanced stress-recovery states during the entire period, and the athletes stated that this positively affected their well-being, and performance. The athletes’ perceived sources of stress and recovery were classified into organizational, social, personal and athletic, with the organizational decisions and strategies playing a major role in reducing unnecessary stress and providing a good setting for engaging in recovery. The results lead us to suggest that coaches and managers be very mindful of the potential influence of their decisions on the athletes’ stress and recovery when preparing training camps and participation in major competitions."
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JM Psychologyen_US
dc.subject.otherapplied sport psychology
dc.subject.otherorganizational psychology in sport
dc.subject.otheranvendt sportspsykologi
dc.subject.otherorganisationspsykologi i sport
dc.titleChapter 2 Med det danske U20 ishockeylandshold til VM
oapen.abstract.otherlanguage"I dette studie undersøgte vi de danske U-20 ishockeyspilleres stress og genopladning under en længerevarende træningslejr og det efterfølgende verdensmesterskab. Formålet var at følge udviklingen i spillernes stress-og genopladningsbalance samt at kortlægge deres oplevede kilder til stress og genopladning. Vi foretog dataindsamling via et spørgeskema, kvalitative interviews og en trænerdagbog. Resultaterne viste, at spillerne var i positiv stressgenopladningsbalance, hvilket i deres oplevelse havde en positiv indvirkning på deres trivsel og præstationer. Vi kunne inddele spillernes oplevede kilder til stress og genopladning i organisatoriske, sociale, personlige og sportslige, hvor beslutninger og strategier på organisatorisk niveau viste sig at spille en afgørende rolle i at reducere unødig stress og skabe gode rammer for genopladning. Med baggrund i resultaterne anbefaler vi, at trænere og sportschefer nøje overvejer, hvordan deres beslutninger og planlægning af træningslejre og konkurrencer potentielt har stor indflydelse på deres atleters stress og genopladning."

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