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dc.contributor.editorAngelo, Elin
dc.contributor.editorKnigge, Jens
dc.contributor.editorSæther, Morten
dc.contributor.editorWaagen, Wenche
dc.description.abstract"This anthology presents music pedagogical research as a field of integrated reflection that transcends institutional and disciplinary barriers. The anthology aims to reinforce thinking, knowledge development and collaboration in the broad landscape of music pedagogical research and education. The authors are associated with performance music education, pre-service and in-service teacher education, specialist music teacher education, and early childhood teacher education. Through 14 chapters, the anthology examines admission tests and assessment guidelines in performing music education, music in interdisciplinary work in teacher education, notions of musicality in early childhood teacher education, entrepreneurship in higher music education, the principle instrument in general music teacher education, evaluation of concert production in music teacher education, multiculturalism across various music teacher educations, pipe organ education for children, dilemmas in Scandinavian choir-leader education, work experiences of female professors in music education, a performing musician’s path to becoming a researcher, state funding and the mandate of performance music education, and the discursive terms of music/teacher education at four institutions of higher education. The topics and discussions addressed in these chapters are central across the higher educational programs that qualify students to teach in the various fields of music education."en_US
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AV Music::AVA Theory of music and musicologyen_US
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JN Education::JNU Teaching of a specific subjecten_US
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::Y Children’s, Teenage and Educational::YP Educational material::YPA Educational: Arts, general::YPAD Educational: Musicen_US
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JN Education::JNM Higher education, tertiary educationen_US
dc.subject.otherHigher music education, music teacher education, music pedagogy, admission tests, assessment in music performance, entrepreneurship, musicality, choir leadership, diversity in music teacher education, pipe organ educationen_US
dc.titleHigher Education as Context for Music Pedagogy Researchen_US
oapen.abstract.otherlanguageDenne antologien presenterer musikkpedagogisk forskning som et felt for integrert refleksjon på tvers av institusjonelle og disiplinære barrierer. Gjennom spesifikke temaer sikter antologien mot å styrke tenkning, kunnskapsutvikling og samarbeid i det brede musikkpedagogiske forsknings- og utdanningslandskapet. Bidragsyterne kommer fra utøvende musikkutdanning, grunnskolelærerutdanning, PPU-utdanning, faglærerutdanning og barnehagelærerutdanning. Forskningsarbeidene i antologien undersøker opptaksprøver til og sensorveiledninger i utøvende musikerutdanning, musikk i tverrfaglig arbeid i lærerutdanning, entreprenørskap i høyere musikkutdanning, musikalitetsforståelser i barnehagelærerutdanning, hovedinstrumentundervisning i grunnskolelærerutdanning, evaluering av konsertproduksjon i faglærerutdanning, flerkulturalitet i ulike musikklærerutdanninger, orgelopplæring for barn og unge, dilemmaer i korlederutdanning, statlig finansiering og mandatet i utøvende musikkutdanning, en utøvende musikers forskertilblivelse, yrkeserfaringer blant kvinnelige professorer i musikkpedagogikk samt musikkpedagogikkens diskursive vilkår i fire ulike musikk- og lærerutdanninger. en_US

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