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dc.contributor.authorDoerner, Wolfgang
dc.description.abstractThe catalogue of works lists all compositions of Josef Strauss (published in print as well as all existing manuscripts), including details of instrumentation, incipits, information of first performances and sources. The introductory chapter provides an extensive overview about specific items such as development of the dance music, instruments and publishers.
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AT Performing arts::ATQ Danceen_US
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AV Music::AVP Musicians, singers, bands and groupsen_US
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AV Music::AVN Composers and songwritersen_US
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AV Music::AVL Music: styles and genres::AVLA Art music, orchestral and formal musicen_US
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::G Reference, Information and Interdisciplinary subjects::GB Encyclopaedias and reference works::GBC Reference works::GBCR Bibliographies, cataloguesen_US
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::1 Place qualifiers::1D Europe::1DF Central Europe::1DFA Austriaen_US
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::2 Language qualifiers::2A Indo-European languages::2AC Germanic and Scandinavian languages::2ACG Germanen_US
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::3 Time period qualifiers::3M c 1500 onwards to present day::3MN 19th century, c 1800 to c 1899en_US
dc.subject.otherStrauss, Catalogue of works, dance, Vienna, waltz, polka, quadrilleen
dc.subject.otherÖFOS 2012, Music theatreen
dc.subject.otherÖFOS 2012, Music historyen
dc.subject.otherÖFOS 2012, Dance studiesen
dc.subject.otherStrauss, Werkverzeichnis, Tanz, Wien, Walzer, Polka, Quadrillede
dc.subject.otherÖFOS 2012, Musiktheaterde
dc.subject.otherÖFOS 2012, Musikgeschichtede
dc.subject.otherÖFOS 2012, Tanzwissenschaftde
dc.titleJosef Straussde
dc.title.alternativeChronologisch-thematisches Werkverzeichnis
oapen.abstract.otherlanguageDas Werkverzeichnis listet sämtliche über 300 gedruckte und ungedruckte Kompositionen von Josef Strauss inklusive Angaben zu Besetzung, Incipits, erste Aufführungen, Drucke und Abschriften auf, ergänzt durch eine umfangreiche Monographie zu spezifischen Themen wie Entwicklung der einzelnen Gattungen, Orchesterinstrumente und Verlagswesen.
oapen.relation.isFundedByAustrian Science Fund (FWF)
oapen.collectionAustrian Science Fund (FWF)
oapen.grant.numberPUB 802-G

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