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dc.contributor.editorWallace, Lauren J.
dc.contributor.editorMacDonald, Margaret E.
dc.contributor.editorStoreng, Katerini T.
dc.description.abstractThis open access edited book brings together new research on the mechanisms by which maternal and reproductive health policies are formed and implemented in diverse locales around the world, from global policy spaces to sites of practice. The authors – both internationally respected anthropologists and new voices – demonstrate the value of ethnography and the utility of reproduction as a lens through which to generate rich insights into professionals’ and lay people’s intimate encounters with policy. Authors look closely at core policy debates in the history of global maternal health across six different continents, including: Women’s use of misoprostol for abortion in Burkina Faso The place of traditional birth attendants in global maternal health Donor-driven maternal health programs in Tanzania Efforts to integrate qualitative evidence in WHO maternal and child health policy-making Anthropologies of Global Maternal and Reproductive Health will engage readers interested in critical conversations about global health policy today. The broad range of foci makes it a valuable resource for teaching in medical anthropology, anthropology of reproduction, and interdisciplinary global health programs. The book will also find readership amongst critical public health scholars, health policy and systems researchers, and global public health practitioners.
dc.relation.ispartofseriesGlobal Maternal and Child Health
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::P Mathematics and Science::PS Biology, life sciences::PSX Human biologyen_US
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JH Sociology and anthropology::JHM Anthropologyen_US
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::M Medicine and Nursing::MK Medical specialties, branches of medicine::MKC Gynaecology and obstetrics::MKCM Materno-foetal medicine / perinatologyen_US
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::M Medicine and Nursing::MB Medicine: general issues::MBP Health systems and servicesen_US
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::M Medicine and Nursing::MF Pre-clinical medicine: basic sciences::MFK Human reproduction, growth and development::MFKC Reproductive medicineen_US
dc.subject.otheropen access
dc.subject.otheranthropology of maternal death
dc.subject.otheranthropology of pregnancy
dc.subject.otheranthropology of reproduction
dc.subject.otherethnography maternal health
dc.subject.otherethnograpny reproductive health
dc.subject.otherethnography global health
dc.subject.otherglobal health policy
dc.subject.othermaternal health policy
dc.subject.othermaternal morbidity and mortality
dc.subject.othermedical anthropology
dc.subject.otherglobal reproductive health policy
dc.subject.otherskilled birth
dc.subject.otherwomen's health
dc.subject.otherglobal maternal health
dc.subject.otherglobal health care interventions
dc.subject.otherMaternal and Child Health
dc.titleAnthropologies of Global Maternal and Reproductive Health
dc.title.alternativeFrom Policy Spaces to Sites of Practice
oapen.imprintSpringer International Publishing
oapen.grant.number[grantnumber unknown]
oapen.grant.number[grantnumber unknown]
oapen.grant.number[grantnumber unknown]

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