Harvested from KU: Recent submissions
Now showing items 341-360 of 3034
(2024)Seit Jahren lässt sich der Lehrkräftebedarf in den MINT-Fächern nicht mehr durch Lehrkräfte mit grundständiger Lehramtsausbildung decken. Um die Lücke zu schließen, werden über alternative Zugangswege Personen ohne ...
(2024)Christian Monuments of Cyrenaica publishes archaeological studies undertaken between 1953 and 1971 by the late J. B. Ward-Perkins (d. 1981) and the late R. G. Goodchild (d. 1968). It presents Ward-Perkins accounts (mostly ...
(2024)Damit Lehramtsstudierende Lehr-Lernprozesse so gestalten, dass bei Lernenden Erkenntnisprozesse initiiert und unterstützt werden, müssen sie sich vertieft mit den Fachinhalten auseinandersetzen. Die Identifizierung von ...
(2024)Over 5650 lamps, largely ceramic, were discovered during excavation of the Hellenistic city of Berenice, North Africa. These date from the foundation of the city in the mid 3rd century through to the 10th- and 11th-century ...
(2024)The Mosaics and Marble Floors volume presents a handsomely illustrated catalogue of 32 mosaic floors, one opus sectile pavement and one emblema known from Berenice, Cyrenaica, Libya.
(2024)Excavations at Surt were carried out between 1977 and 1981 which uncovered the heart of the town with its mosque and workshops. In archaeological terms, North Africa in the early medieval period is almost entirely unknown. ...
(2024)Der "Masterstudiengang für das Lehramt an Integrierten Sekundarschulen und Gymnasien mit dem Profil Quereinstieg" (Q-Master) stellt einen alternativen Weg in das Lehramt dar. Es ist wenig darüber bekannt, ob ein solcher ...
(2024)Coupled systems of differential-algebraic equations (DAEs) and partial differential equations (PDEs) appear in various fields of applications such as electrical engineering, bio-mathematics, or multi-physics. They are of ...
(2024)Informing Possible Future Worlds is the Festschrift in honour of Ulrich Frank on the occasion of his 65th birthday. The Festschrift includes twenty-three essays written by friends, colleagues, and fellow researchers in ...
(2024)<p><strong>Unique cross-cultural and multimedial approach to class identity and precarity in literature, theatre, and film</strong></p><p>Contemporary culture not merely reflects ongoing ...
(2024)In Who Will Build the Ark? leading radical thinkers debate left alternatives to runaway global heating, capitalist crisis and wider environmental breakdown, clarifying the stakes in key disputes between Green New Deal ...
(2024)Focusing on the central and western parts of the region, this is the second in a series of five volumes that comprehensively document rock art in Upper Tibet. It examines a panoply of graphic evidence found on stone surfaces, ...
(2024)What would it have been like to walk down the streets of Viking Age Dublin a thousand years ago? What would you have seen, heard and smelled? How would this urban settlement have been different from an early medieval rural ...
(2024)Apotropaia and Phylakteria: Confronting Evil in Ancient Greece is the outcome of the conference held in Athens in June 2021 and hosted by the Swedish Institute at Athens.The belief in the existence of evil forces was part ...
(2024)Proper Women tells the unprecedented story of an NGO-led “women’s empowerment” program in Tehran that was created to serve young, impoverished Iranians and Afghan refugees. Fae Chubin recounts the well-intentioned efforts ...
(2024)Im Sommer 2021 beherrschte ein Hashtag in den sozialen Netzwerken den wissenschaftlichen Diskurs: Unter "#IchBinHanna" diskutierten Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler über die prekären Arbeitsverhältnisse an den ...
(2024)Female Body Image and Beauty Politics in Contemporary Indian Literature and Culture is the first volume to analyze the myriad conceptualizations of South Asian women’s body issues in film, literature, advertising, and other ...
(2024)This collective work reports on the studies and archaeological work carried out at the megalithic ruined necropolis of Wanar, Senegal, between 2008 and 2017. Along with Sine Ngayene in Senegal, and Wassu and Ker Batch in ...
(2024)Double-Sided Antler and Bone Combs in Late Roman Britain rs the first detailed study and catalogue of a comb type that represents a new technology introduced into Britain towards the end of the 4th century AD and a major ...
(2024)Human trafficking has generated intense global concern, with stories of sex slavery and images of women forced into prostitution so persuasive that states have raced to respond ahead of empirical data and clear definitions ...