Harvested from KU: Recent submissions
Now showing items 601-620 of 3034
(2023)Weltweit vereinheitlichte Musterverträge bestimmen die Vertragsgestaltung im grenzüberschreitenden Finanzverkehr. Diese Musterverträge werden von privaten Organisationen wie der International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), der ...
(2023)Dans cet ouvrage, Kampotela Luc Bulundwe pose la question du rôle de 2 Timothée (2 Tm) au sein du corpus paulinien, au prisme des approches sociales de la mémoire. Il démontre que le discours d'adieu épistolaire attribué ...
(2023)Der vorliegende Band befasst sich mit der Beziehung von Paulus zu Rom in historischer und wirkungsgeschichtlicher Perspektive. Damit tritt er neben den 2020 in derselben Reihe erschienenen Band zu Petrus, dem anderen ...
(2023)"Blackbox", "Opazität" oder "Intransparenz" - der Technologie des maschinellen Lernens ist Nichtwissen inhärent. Aus dieser soziologisch geprägten analytischen Perspektive bringt Iva Kostov verschiedene soziale Praktiken ...
(2023)In recent decades, the technical handling of custody business in the OHADA region has undergone a lasting change. There has been a shift from a direct to an indirect holding system, in which the interests of an investor ...
(2023)Die Verteilung eines vertragswidrig erzielten Gewinns wird in vielen Rechtsordnungen diskutiert. Der Grundgedanke einer Gewinnherausgabe wegen Vertragsverletzungen ist eingängig: Warum sollte die vertragsbrüchige Partei ...
(2023)For almost two millennia, readers of the New Testament have been trying to figure out Paul. The struggle with his words begins already within the canon itself. While Acts portrays with ease a Torah-observant, Pharisaic-messianic ...
(2023)Die Erbringung von Finanzdienstleistungen unterliegt sowohl finanzmarktspezifischem Regulierungsrecht als auch der Anwendung des Kartellrechts. Nach der herkömmlichen Konzeption der beiden Rechtsgebiete soll das Regulierungsrecht ...
(2023)Eine der größten wirtschaftlichen wie auch gesellschaftlichen Innovationen im Bereich der Digitalisierung der vergangenen Jahre ist die Verwendung der Blockchain-Technologie im Zusammenhang mit der Verwaltung und dem ...
(2023)This book provides comprehensive insights on existing technologies and up-to-date advances in the field of waste management and treatment using algal based technologies via different approaches and systems. Coverage ...
(2023)Increasing global population growth and the continued exploitation of land, water and other natural resources is causing the release of harmful gases and toxic compounds into the environment. To combat this pollution and ...
(2023)In the quest for sustainable solutions, a groundbreaking innovation emerges: Nanobiohybrids for Advanced Wastewater Treatment and Energy Recovery. This compelling title delves into the forefront of integrated environmental ...
(2023)The book provides an overview of technical sustainable water management in the Global South, mainly in India. The book is structured in five sections: (1) current state and challenges, (2) new age materials in (waste) water ...
(2023)Cross-regional scholarly dialogue inspired by the work of the pioneering Cuban scholar. Fernando Ortiz (1881–1969) coined the term “transculturation” in 1940. This was an early case of theory from the South: concepts ...
(2023)In this powerful new work, Simone Toji reconsiders ethnography as a form of appreciation of the contradictions inherent in the making of life itself. Recovering Bronislaw Malinowski’s idea of the “imponderabilia of actual ...
(2023)A new theory of relational ethics that tackles contemporary issues. In How Is It Between Us?, Jarrett Zigon puts anthropology and phenomenological hermeneutics in conversation to develop a new theory of relational ethics. ...
(2024)This intellectual history of Standard Swahili explores the long-term, intertwined processes of standard making and community creation in the historical, political, and cultural contexts of East Africa and beyond. Morgan ...
(2024)Arguing that climate injustice is one of our most pressing urban problems, this volume explores the possibilities and challenges for more just urban futures under climate change. Whether the situation be displacement within ...
(2024)The book considers the poetics of twenty-first century climate change fiction, focusing on realism and exploring the realist mode as a means to engage readers with what is without doubt one of, if not the, most pressing ...
(2024)The appearance of new media and its enormous diffusion in the last decades of the 20th century and up to the present has greatly increased and diversified the reception of Egyptian themes and motifs and Egyptian influence ...