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dc.contributor.authorBrownlee, Timothy Daniel
dc.description.abstractClimate change adaptation actions are not yet capable of demonstrating the expected level of effectiveness even if, as the IPCC observes, they have significantly increased in number in recent years: the limitation on available resources, the difficulty of involving citizens, the insufficient mobilization of finances, the lack of political leadership and poor awareness are just some of the systemic barriers that slow down their implementation and effectiveness. Consequently, the processes of assimilation of these proposals within territorial management tools are complex and have a medium to long time horizon. In the meantime, the effects of climate change manifest greater frequency and intensity and often materialize in the cities’ outdoor spaces which expose incrementally more vulnerable profiles. Taking as reference the climatic context and the vulnerabilities of the mid-Adriatic coastal city, the volume investigates the possibilities offered by the temporary use of devices, space configurators, urban installations, as tools to support adaptation, with the objective of identifying a set of measures capable of responding quickly to the vulnerability factors of a specific open space, filling a cyclical and continuous time gap for the application of the strategic-programmatic level of planning. Temporary practices - and the tools and technologies necessary to implement them- once again become an object of interest for the qualities that they can obtain in changing the use of today’s and tomorrow’s city spaces, a potential protagonist in supporting health and psychophysical well-being of inhabitants and communities. With respect to increasingly pressing questions that affect the daily life of our cities, this volume offers a methodological contribution for scientific advancement with respect to the proposed field of investigation and also an operational contribution by addressing administrators, professionals and associations involved in design and maintenance of urban spaces.en_US
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::R Earth Sciences, Geography, Environment, Planning::RN The environment::RNT Social impact of environmental issuesen_US
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AM Architecture::AMG Architecture: public, commercial and industrial buildingsen_US
dc.subject.otheroutdoor urban spaces, temporariness, adaptation, climate change, technologyen_US
dc.titleDesign with climate variablesen_US
dc.title.alternativeTecnologie per un adattamento temporaneo al cambiamento climaticoen_US

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