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dc.contributor.authorLekkerkerker, Henk N.W.
dc.contributor.authorTuinier, Remco
dc.contributor.authorVis, Mark
dc.description.abstractThis open access book provides a detailed exploration of the phase behaviour of, and interfacial properties in, complex colloidal mixtures (e.g., clay, milk, blood). Insights into colloids have been at the heart of many innovations in different industries. The big question underlying these innovations is how can colloidal systems be formulated and designed towards the desired properties? To do this, the forces between the colloidal particles need to be controlled. Adding depletants (non-adsorbing polymers or small colloids) is key to controlling the attractive interactions. Colloids and the Depletion Interaction provides the qualitative insights and quantitative tools to understand and predict such forces in colloidal dispersions. It offers a concise introduction to the history and fundamentals of the depletion interaction in, and phase behaviour of, colloidal dispersions. Why does adding polymers lead to attractive forces between colloidal particles? What determines the phase stability of multi-component colloidal systems? These include colloid—polymer mixtures, binary colloidal mixtures, and anisotropic particles such as clay platelets, cubes and rod-like viruses. Conceptual explanations are accompanied by experimental and computer simulation results throughout. Illustrations of depletion effects in colloid science, biology and technology demonstrate its wider significance. The concluding outlook provides the scope of challenges and possibilities in this exciting field of science. This second updated and enlarged edition contains 12 Chapters. It is an ideal book for advanced undergraduates and graduate students in physical chemistry, chemical engineering and soft matter physics. Besides providing a fundamental understanding of depletion interactions in colloidal mixtures, it gives background information on colloidal stability and phase behaviour in general. For experienced scientists and engineers working on mixtures of colloids and non-adsorbing (bio)polymers or colloidal particles, this book serves as a reference for understanding depletion interactions in systems of their specific interest.
dc.relation.ispartofseriesLecture Notes in Physics
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::P Mathematics and Science::PH Physics::PHF Materials / States of matter::PHFC Condensed matter physics (liquid state and solid state physics)
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::T Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Industrial processes::TG Mechanical engineering and materials::TGM Materials science::TGMP Engineering applications of polymers and composites
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::P Mathematics and Science::PH Physics::PHH Thermodynamics and heat
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::P Mathematics and Science::PN Chemistry::PNR Physical chemistry
dc.subject.otherColloidal Suspensions
dc.subject.otherDemixing Phenomenon
dc.subject.otherDepletion Induced Phase Separation
dc.subject.otherIntroduction to Depletion Interactions
dc.subject.otherOsmotic Pressure Gradient
dc.subject.otherPhase Transitions in Colloid-polymer Mixtures
dc.subject.otherUnbalanced Forces
dc.subject.otherUnderstanding Phase Behavior of Colloidal Dispersions
dc.subject.otherUnderstanding the Properties of Polymers Near Interfaces
dc.subject.otherPolymer-mediated Pair Interaction
dc.titleColloids and the Depletion Interaction
oapen.collectionDutch Research Council (NWO)
oapen.imprintSpringer International Publishing

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