Now showing items 281-300 of 468

    • Masius, Patrick (2013)
      Natural disasters are a challenge for human societies. The young German nation that reacted in the face of the 100-year Rhine flood (1882/83) can be characterized by the key elements of science, technology, economy, ...
    • Anders, Ulrike; Szücs, Linda (2012)
    • Collet, Dominik; Lassen, Thore; Schanbacher, Ansgar (2012)
    • Herrmann, Bernd (2011)
      This annual yearbook presents essays in environmental history based on lectures given at the Göttingen study group “Environmental History” by external authors. As previous yearbooks it is dedicated to the plurality of ...
    • Rudolph, Sabrina (2013)
    • Hamilton, Majida (2010)
    • Schaller, Berndt; Dietert, Eike; Kramer, Adelheid; Behnsen, Jens; König, Ralf; Kollatz, Thomas (2010)
      The „Flecken Adelebsen“ at the edge of the „Solling“ in southern Lower-Saxony looks back to 300 years of jewish history. In 19th century it was named “Little Jerusalem” because of the high number of jewish habitants. Today ...
    • Schaller, Berndt (2006)
      The book "Synagogues in Göttingen: departures and ceasing of Jewish life," deals with the 700-year history of Jewish life in Göttingen and the various synagogues that have been existing since the beginning of the 14th Century.
    • Ertel, Suitbert (2013)
      Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) is a statistical tool for digging out hidden factors which give rise to the diversity of manifest objectives in psychology, medicine and other sciences. EFA had its heyday as psychologist ...
    • Ertel, Suitbert (2011)
      The present study aims at disclosing a methodological prejudice which has misled factor analysis since its beginning. Simple structure, the guiding principle for factor rotation (Thurstone, 1935/1947), is regarded as a ...
    • Strack, Micha (2004)
      Social perspective defines the human skill of changing between the point of view of oneself and the other. It takes meta-perspectives and applies them to the different (suspected) point of views. If one knows how the ...
    • Hirsch, Philipp-Alexander (2012)
    • Tamcke, Martin; Jong, Janny de; Klein, Lars; Waal, Margriet (2013)
      Europe - Space for Transcultural Existence? is the first volume of the new series, Studies in Euroculture, published by Göttingen University Press. The series derives its name from the Erasmus Mundus Master of Excellence ...
    • Greenberg, Jane; Klas, Wolfgang (2008)
      Metadata is a key aspect of our evolving infrastructure for information management, social computing, and scientific collaboration. DC-2008 will focus on metadata challenges, solutions, and innovation in initiatives and ...
    • Hutzler, Evelinde; Schröder, Albert; Schweikl, Gabriele (2008)
      Libraries are not passive to the rapid and profound digital change. They have recognized and accepted the task and opportunity to actively participate in shaping a sustainable information infrastructure for a modern knowledge ...
    • Feldsien-Sudhaus, Inken (2008)
      The LIBER Architecture Group reflects on experience of European library building projects from the past twenty years in order to plan the next generation of library buildings. This documentation of recent library building ...
    • Bartels, Nicole; Deinert, Juliane; Enderle, Wilfried; Rohlfing, Helmut; Möbus, Frank (2011)
    • Bargheer, Margo; Ceynowa, Klaus (2005)
      This book assembles like a balance of activities papers about all working areas of the Lower Saxony State and University Library (SUB), forming a Festschrift for its director Elmar Mittler for his 65 birthday. Within the ...
    • Papke, Renate (2008)
      This study consists of two parts. The first part offers an overview of feminism’s theory of differences. The second part deals with the textual analysis of poems about ‘mothering’ by women from India, the Caribbean and ...