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dc.contributor.editorTrudgett, Michelle
dc.contributor.editorPage, Susan
dc.contributor.editorPovey, Rhonda
dc.contributor.editorLocke, Michelle
dc.description.abstractThis open access book explores the key barriers and facilitators to advancing meaningful and fulfilling academic careers in the higher education sector for Australian Indigenous doctoral graduates. It focuses on the career trajectories of Indigenous early career researchers who have participated in the Developing Indigenous Australian Early Career Researchers study, funded by the Australian Research Council (ARC). It delves into a deeper understanding of the professional development requirements of Indigenous Early Career Research academics and presents a new set of knowledge which incorporates Indigenous standpoints, thus creating new avenues for Indigenous early career researchers to articulate their living experiences and perspectives for the benefit of their colleagues, in the present and the future. This book also provides a model of best practice collaborative approach through its methodology, method, and structural design. The various chapters present first-hand experience with an Indigenist methodological approach, including access to respectful use of culturally appropriate terminology, modelled by the authors and carefully footnoted with explanatory notes. Its writing is also guided by ethical principles concerning Indigenous Intellectual Property Rights. This book serves as a compendium of critique for current and future Indigenous early career researchers, as well as an encouragement for mentors and advocates for equity and parity for Indigenous academics in higher education. Through the voices of Indigenous early career researchers, this book positions universities well to facilitate improved Indigenous outcomes and to continue to pursue educational equity within the higher education sector.
dc.relation.ispartofseriesSpringerBriefs in Education
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JN Education::JNM Higher education, tertiary education
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JN Education::JNF Educational strategies and policy::JNFK Educational strategies and policy: inclusion
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JN Education::JNF Educational strategies and policy
dc.subject.otherIndigenous ECRs in Australia
dc.subject.otherHigher Education Sector
dc.subject.otherIndigenous ECR Career Trajectory
dc.subject.otherIndigenous Perspectives
dc.subject.otherIndigenous Experiences in Higher Education
dc.subject.otherMentoring Indigenous ECRs in Higher Education
dc.subject.otherEthical Indigenous Research
dc.subject.otherIndigenous Authors
dc.subject.otherRacism in Australia
dc.subject.otherDiscrimination in Australian Higher Education
dc.subject.otherAustralian Indigenous ECR Challenges
dc.subject.otherAustralian Indigenous ECR Successes
dc.titleIndigenous Early Career Researchers in Australian Universities
dc.title.alternativeOur Stories
oapen.imprintSpringer Nature Singapore

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