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dc.contributor.authorTanskanen, Jani
dc.contributor.authorSainio, Miia
dc.contributor.authorPietilä, Pekka
dc.contributor.authorKuuva, Sari
dc.contributor.authorKarjalainen, Reeta
dc.contributor.authorJäntti, Saara
dc.contributor.authorSärmä, Saara
dc.contributor.authorBallo, Anduena
dc.contributor.authorEnnser-Kananen, Johanna
dc.contributor.authorSaarinen, Taina
dc.contributor.authorSalpakoski, Anu
dc.contributor.authorTervo, Minna
dc.contributor.authorVasara, Paula
dc.contributor.authorFadjukoff, Päivi
dc.contributor.editorTammela, Annika
dc.contributor.editorHämeenaho, Pilvi
dc.contributor.editorEronen, Johanna
dc.contributor.editorEilola, Jari
dc.description.abstractWhat do we study when we study well-being? This is a question that researchers engaged in interdisciplinary collaboration must contemplate. Even though well-being is a shared subject of study, there is no single, unambiguous definition for it. From the perspectives of different disciplines, well-being is conceptualized in various ways, and no single discipline or method can fully capture all its dimensions. The foundation of this book lies in years of discussion within an interdisciplinary research community and the ongoing effort to understand well-being both as a phenomenon and as a research subject. Since 2016, the HYTTI network of well-being researchers at the University of Jyväskylä has explored the relationships between health and well-being through seminars and monthly meetings. In these discussions, involving researchers from various human sciences, we have recognized how essential it is to examine well-being as a dynamic and multidimensional concept. Opening up this discussion to a broader audience and presenting current research from different fields have served as the basis for this collection of articles. The book is intended for researchers across disciplines as well as anyone interested in human sciences approaches to well-being research. It is also suitable as a textbook.en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesJYU Studiesen_US
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::1 Place qualifiers::1D Europe::1DN Northern Europe, Scandinavia::1DNF Finlanden_US
dc.subject.otherwell-being, health, quality of life, culture, health promotion, multimodality, experiences (knowledge) music, visual arts, medicalisation, involvement (participation)en_US
dc.titleHyvinvointi koettuna, kuvattuna ja tulkittunaen_US
oapen.imprintJYU Studiesen_US

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