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dc.contributor.editorMcGarry, Kathryn
dc.contributor.editorBradley, Ciara
dc.contributor.editorKirwan, Gloria
dc.description.abstractWhom do we conduct research with and for? What kinds of questions do we ask of the social world, and how do we question how knowledge is produced? In what ways do our approaches to research and our manner of carrying out research studies matter? If we, as social science students, academics and practitioners, commit ourselves to social change agendas, then our research endeavour is at the heart of advancing such transformative change. Rights and Social Justice in Research is a text which sets out what a rights-based approach to research looks like, why this framework matters and how we can translate a rights-based and social justice agenda into operational research. These questions will be addressed through an examination of numerous case studies from our contributors through their work with and for diverse community groups, including women, young people, migrants, Travellers, sex workers, people who use drugs, people with disabilities, and older people. This edited collection brings together a range of contributions which explore and illustrate the nature of research for social justice. Taken together, these contributions advance ideas about the transformative potential of social research and demonstrate how a social justice agenda can be operationalised throughout the research process.en_US
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::G Reference, Information and Interdisciplinary subjects::GP Research and information: general::GPS Research methods: generalen_US
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JB Society and culture: general::JBF Social and ethical issuesen_US
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JH Sociology and anthropology::JHB Sociology::JHBC Social research and statisticsen_US
dc.subject.otherResearch methods general; Social and ethical issues; Social research and statisticsen_US
dc.titleRights and Social Justice in Researchen_US
dc.title.alternativeAdvancing Methodologies for Social Changeen_US
oapen.imprintPolicy Pressen_US

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