Elternschaft und Familie jenseits von Heteronormativität und Zweigeschlechtlichkeit
Peukert, Almut (editor)
Teschlade, Julia (editor)
Wimbauer, Christine (editor)
Motakef, Mona (editor)
Holzleithner, Elisabeth (editor)
Rainbow family, insemination family, multi-parent family: These terms try to understand the phenomenon that parenthood and family are realized in diverse constellations. They are caught between empirical diversity and societal norms and norms. The articles in the special issue explore the family forms of lesbian two-parent families, trans * and co-parenting, non-monogamous relationship networks as well as queer relationship networks in the context of escape .; Same-sex parenting, co-parenting, blended family: These terms try to capture the phenomenon that parenthood and family are realized in manifold constellations. They are caught between empirical diversity and social notions of norm and normality. The articles in this special issue explore the family forms of lesbian two-parent families, trans * and co-parenthood, non-monogamous relationship networks, and queer relationship networks in a refugee context. Regenbogenfamilie, Inseminationsfamilie, Mehrelternfamilie: Diese Begriffe versuchen das Phänomen zu fassen, dass Elternschaft und Familie in vielfältigen Konstellationen verwirklicht werden. Sie stehen dabei im Spannungsfeld zwischen empirischer Vielfalt und gesellschaftlichen Norm- und Normalitätsvorstellungen. Die Beiträge des Sonderheftes erkunden die Familienformen lesbischer Zweielternfamilien, Trans* und Co-Elternschaft, nicht-monogamer Beziehungsnetzwerke sowie queere Beziehungsnetzwerke im Kontext von Flucht.; Same-sex parenting, co-parenting, blended family: These terms try to capture the phenomenon that parenthood and family are realized in manifold constellations. They are caught between empirical diversity and social notions of norm and normality. The articles in this special issue explore the family forms of lesbian two-parent families, trans* and co-parenthood, non-monogamous relationship networks, and queer relationship networks in a refugee context.
Familienrecht; LSBT*Q; Monogamie; Polyamorie; Queer Theory; Reproduktionstechnologien; FluchtDOI
Verlag Barbara BudrichPublisher website
https://budrich.eu/Publication date and place
GENDER Sonderheft, 5Classification
Gender studies, gender groups