Ethikmanagement im Krankenhaus
Unternehmens- und Wertekultur als Erfolgsfaktor für das Krankenhaus
Wehkamp, Kai
Wehkamp, Karl-Heinz
Knowledge Unlatched (KU)Language
Good hospital executives help to ensure that medical and nursing care for patients is of a high standard and at the same time secure the economic livelihood of their home. Both within the company and in the interaction with the public and politics, it is important to constantly mediate between the demands for economy and good medicine. Managers gain persuasiveness through a precise reference to the values and goals of medicine and economy. A constructive understanding of ethics - not only at the level of patient care, but also at the level of the organization - is an essential competence for hospital management.
ethics; quality of medicine; leadershipDOI
9783954663378Publisher website date and place
Berlin, 2017Grantor
Medical ethics and professional conduct