The Evolutionary Dynamics of Discursive Knowledge
Communication-Theoretical Perspectives on an Empirical Philosophy of Science
This open access book addresses three themes which have been central to Leydesdorff's research: (1) the dynamics of science, technology, and innovation; (2) the scientometric operationalization of these concept; and (3) the elaboration in terms of a Triple Helix of university-industry-government relations. In this study, I discuss the relations among these themes. Using Luhmann's social-systems theory for modelling meaning processing and Shannon's theory for information processing, I show that synergy can add new options to an innovation system as redundancy. The capacity to develop new options is more important for innovation than past performance. Entertaining a model of possible future states makes a knowledge-based system increasingly anticipatory. The trade-off between the incursion of future states on the historical developments can be measured using the Triple-Helix synergy indicator. This is shown, for example, for the Italian national and regional systems of innovation.
Research Methodology; Knowledge - Discourse; Communication Studies; Market Research/Competitive Intelligence; Semantics; Sociological Methods; Biotechnology; Media and Communication; Marketing; Linguistics; Triple-Helix synergy; A calculus of redundancy; horizons of meaning; anticipatory systems; operationalisation and measurement; neo-evolutionary; social-systems theory; entropy statistics; open access; Social research & statistics; Sociology; Market research; Semantics, discourse analysis, stylisticsDOI
Springer NaturePublisher website date and place
Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Scientific and Scholarly Communication,Classification
Social research and statistics
Communication studies
Market research
Semantics, discourse analysis, stylistics