Zur Geschichte der Reedereigebaude an der Elbstrase bei der Alten Liebe in Cuxhaven seit den 1920er Jahren
Books in Series (Buch in Schriftenreihe)
This study will discuss the history of the creation, construction and use of three distinctive shipping company villas in the harbour of Cuxhaven/Germany, located south of the harbours lighthouse, near the Alte Liebe”. The study´s analysis does not however limit itself only to aspects of a historiography of bildings, but rather combines these with a historical approach that contextualize the review undertaken . Lastly the study deleves into the motives and strategies of the involved protagonists and illuminate the results of their activities.
Cuxhaven; Hafengeschichte; Bugsier-AG; Lotsenhaus; Haus Seefahrt; harbourhistory; pilot-houseDOI
KIT Scientific PublishingPublisher website
https://www.ksp.kit.edu/index.php?link=shop&sort=allPublication date and place
Karlsruhe, 2020Series
Technikdiskurse. Karlsruher Studien zur Technikgeschichte, 13Classification