Critical Thinking in Higher Education and Labour Market
Indrašienė, Valdonė
Jegelevičienė, Violeta
Merfeldaitė, Odeta
Penkauskienė, Daiva
Pivorienė, Jolanta
Railienė, Asta
Sadauskas, Justinas
Valavičienė, Natalija
This book presents the comprehensive investigation of critical thinking in higher education from the perspectives of the study and labor market. It looks for an answer to the vibrant question of what and to whom critical thinking is. The study brings together findings from systematic literature review, analysis of descriptions of higher education study programs and study subjects, phenomenographical research and survey and supplements the existing perceptions of critical thinking with novel data-driven insights. The book reveals how critical thinking manifests itself in the contexts of higher education and the labor market and advocates for the significance of the critical thinking at personal, interpersonal, and social levels.
Asta; Bodo; Carlsburg; competence; Critical; Critical thinking; critical thinking skills and dispositions; critical thinking teaching and learning; Daiva; Education; employee; employer; Gerd; Higher; higher education; Indrašienė; Jegelevičienė; Jolanta; Justinas; Labour; labour market; Market; Merfeldaitė; mix research method; Natalija; Odeta; Penkauskienė; phenomenography; Pivorienė; Railiene; Sadauskas; student; study programme; systematic literature review; Thinking; university teacher; Valavičienė; Valdonė; Violeta; WinkelkötterDOI
9783631861479, 9783631861486, 9783631861493, 9783631833704, 9783631861479Publisher website date and place
Bern, 2021Series
Erziehungskonzeptionen und Praxis, 86Classification
Higher education, tertiary education
Sociology: work and labour