Kommunikation und Konfrontation
Diplomatie und Gesandtschaftswesen Kaiser Maximilians I. (1486–1519)
For the first time, the book examines the emergence of the Habsburgs as a leading ruling dynasty under Maximilian I from the perspective of its most important diplomats. It analyzes their influence on European power politics, while also describing their career paths and their role as cultural communicators. This perspective from the field of communication history additionally offers insight into the process of diplomatic exchange during the era.
Modern Diplomacy; Political Culture; Communication History; Habsburg DynastyDOI
9783110456738, 9783110447897, 9783110454574, 9783110456738Publisher
De GruyterPublisher website
https://www.degruyter.com/Publication date and place
Berlin/Boston, 2016Series
Bibliothek des Deutschen Historischen Instituts in Rom, 130Classification
European history
History and Archaeology
c 1500 onwards to present day