Die Geschichtlichkeit des Briefs
Kontinuität und Wandel einer Kommunikationsform
Vellusig, Robert (editor)
Kasper, Norman (editor)
Kittelmann, Jana (editor)
Strobel, Jochen (editor)
There are few features that characterize the letter, and yet they have contributed to the successful history of this communication form for more than 3000 years: writtenness, materiality, mobility, address, the necessity of transmittal, and the fact that they can be dated and stored. These contributions take different disciplinary perspectives in order to sound out the universal features of letter communication in specific historical conditions.
Communication theory; history of the letter; epistolary culture; cultural historyDOI
9783110712568, 9783110693041, 9783110712612, 9783110712568Publisher
De GruyterPublisher website
https://www.degruyter.com/Publication date and place
Berlin/Boston, 2021Classification
Diaries, letters and journals
Literary studies: general