Gutes Klima für die Zukunft. Dekarbonisierung als wichtiger Schlüssel zum nachhaltigen Bauen mit Beton
Anthology / Conference Proceedings (Sammelband / Tagungsbände)
18. Symposium Baustoffe und Bauwerkserhaltung, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), 10. März 2022
Nolting, Ulrich (editor)
Dehn, Frank (editor)
Mercedes Kind, Vanessa (editor)
How can we manage the growing demand for housing and the increasing desire for sustainability and climate protection at the same time? And how can the various stakeholders in the concrete construction industry contribute? The present conference proceedings provide an overview of the opportunities and challenges of sustainable concrete construction and show with exciting examples which paths industry, regulators and the public sector are taking to achieve climate-neutral construction.
Betonbautechnik; Nachhaltigkeit; Dekarbonisierung; klimaneutrales Bauen; Ressourcenschonung; concrete construction technology; sustainability; decarbonisation; climate-neutral building; resource conservationDOI
9783731511632, 9783731511632Publisher
KIT Scientific PublishingPublisher website date and place
Karlsruhe, 2022Imprint
KIT Scientific PublishingClassification
Civil engineering, surveying and building