Tell Barri / Kahat. La campagna del 2003
Relazione preliminare
Pecorella, Paolo Emilio
Pierobon Benoit, Raffaella
In the undulating plains of north-eastern Syria is the site of Tell Barri, identified with the city of Kahat. The archaeological sequence which has been brought to light stretches without interruption from the start of the third millennium up to the fourteenth century AD. This report illustrates the results of the twentieth excavation campaign, carried out by the group from the University of Florence and from the "Federico II" University of Naples. In Area G, the excavation of the chapel dating to the third millennium proceeded along with that of the palace of the Mid Assyrian King Adadnirari I; three coeval tombs were discovered, two with lavish furnishings. In Area J, the exploration of the Assyrian palace of Tukulti-Ninurta II was continued. As regards the Parthian phase, investigation has proceeded on the Great Defensive Wall in Area E and of the residential section in Area H. The text, prepared for printing in July 2005, was published following the tragic death of Paolo Emilio Pecorella, which took place on 29 August in Tell Barri in the course of the excavation campaign.