Chapter The Old Serbian Version of the Antiochene Recension of Samuel-Kings: Some Preliminary Issues in Textual Criticism
BRUNI, Alessandro Maria
The article discusses several textual features of the second Church Slavonic version of 1–4 Kingdoms, which has come down to us in two manuscripts, written in Serbian Resavian orthography. The earliest copy dates from 1418 (National Research Library of Odessa, no. 6 [1/106]), while the second is from 1523–1543 (Moscow, Russian State Library, f. 87 N° 1 [1684]). The paper presents this tradition to scholars as new material for the study of the Antiochene or Lucianic recension of 1–4 Kingdoms, a text-type found in five Greek manuscripts. The analysis shows that it represents a new witness, not only to the Antiochene recension of 1–4 Kingdoms as a whole, but also to its proto-Lucianic textual stratum.