Doing Transitions in the Life Course
Processes and Practices
Stauber, Barbara (editor)
Walther, Andreas (editor)
Settersten, Jr. (editor)
This open access book provides a unique research perspective on life course transitions. Here, transitions are understood as social processes and practices. Leveraging the recent “practice turn” in the social sciences, the contributors analyze how life course transitions are “done.” This book introduces the concept of “doing transitions” and its implications for theories and methods. It presents fresh empirical research on “doing transitions” in different life phases (e.g., childhood, young adulthood, later life) and life domains (e.g., education, work, family, health, migration). It also emphasizes themes related to institutions and organizations, time and normativity, materialities (such as bodies, spaces, and artifacts), and the reproduction of social inequalities in education and welfare. In coupling this new perspective with empirical illustrations, this book is an indispensable resource for scholars from demography, sociology, psychology, social work and other scientific fields, as well as for students, counselors and practitioners, and policymakers.
Transitions in the life course; Life course and biography; Transitions as social practice; Doing difference and social inequalities; Social inclusion and exclusion; Doing transitions in the life course; Discoursive articulation of transitions in the life course; Institutional regulation of the life course; Individual coping with life course transitions; Education and the life course; Welfare and the life course; Doing gender in the life course; Migration and transitions; Transitions from education to work; Relational research perspectives; SociologyDOI
9783031135125, 9783031135125Publisher
Springer NaturePublisher website date and place
Cham, 2022Imprint
Life Course Research and Social Policies, 16Classification
Society and Social Sciences
Population and demography