Matkaopas lapsuuden historian tutkimukseen
Monitieteisiä näkökulmia ja menetelmiä
Vehkalahti, Kaisa (editor)
Jouhki, Essi (editor)
Lipkin, Sanna (editor)
Sitomaniemi-San, Johanna (editor)
Kuokkanen, Tiina (editor)
This edited volume is a handbook of research methodologies for the history of childhood. The history of childhood is a vibrant, multidisciplinary field that incorporates a rich variety of methodological approaches developed in disciplines across the social sciences and humanities, including archaeology, education, ethnology, literature, and history. The volume presents a collection of chapters that engage a range of different research traditions and employ different research material, conceptual tools, and methods of analysis for the historical study of childhood. In doing so, the volume attends to issues specific to the study of children and childhood, such as those related to research ethics and the theoretical complexities of defining ‘the child’ and ‘childhood’. While the central focus is on the history of childhood in Finland, the volume also includes international and transnational cases, contexts, and perspectives.
multidisciplinary research; material culture; historical research; children (age groups); childhood; oral historyDOI
9789518585902, 9789518585919, 9789518585926Publisher
Finnish Literature Society / SKSPublication date and place
Helsinki, 2022Series
Historiallisia Tutkimuksia, 6Classification
Cultural studies
Society and Social Sciences