
  • Abell, Peter; Engel, Ofer (2023)
    This book explores the problem of causal inference when a sufficient number of comparative cases cannot be found, which would permit the application of frequency based models formulated in terms of explanatory causal ...
  • Maulana, Ridwan; Helms-Lorenz, Michelle; Moorer, Peter; Smale-Jacobse, Annemieke; Feng, Xiangyuan (2023)
    This book reports findings based on a largescale project on differentiated instruction across various education systems documenting evidence of its measurement, differences, changes, and links with student engagement. We ...
  • Dijkstra, Arjen; Koopmans, Joop W.; Brouwer, Judith; Van der Linde, Benjamin (2022)
    De geschiedenis van het beleg en ontzet van Groningen in 1672 spreekt nog altijd tot de verbeelding. Er was sprake van spanning, tragiek, sensatie en blijdschap. Er waren helden, verliezers en vooral veel onnodige slachtoffers. ...

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