Engaging urban research in policy making
Towards equitable economic growth. A partnership between Cities Alliance, AURI, REDEUS_LAC and N-AERUS
Alfaro d'Alençon, Paola (editor)
Boanada-Fuchs, Anthony (editor)
Greene, Margarita (editor)
Krishnamurthy, Sukanya (editor)
Michelutti, Enrico (editor)
Moretto, Luisa (editor)
Smit, Warren (editor)
Cities are considered “engines of economic growth,” yet many cities in the global South struggle to increase productivity and provide significant economic opportunities for their growing populations. There is a need to deepen the knowledge on the links between public goods and services and equitable economic growth and how to support such processes, in policy and strategic terms, locally and globally. Against this background, this publication developed in the collaboration between Cities Alliance’s Equitable Economic Growth Cities Campaign initiative and three international research networks N-AERUS, AURI, REDEUS_LAC. The research explores how the interface between urban research and policymaking can be redefined to ensure that public goods and services foster equitable growth. It reveals a richness of practices that provide a broad and lasting positive impact in terms of equitable economic growth in urban development. One of them shows that collaborative efforts between academia, policy makers, communities, and practitioners can play a crucial role in enriching these debates and processes.
equitable economic growth; knowledge (co-)production; research-policymaking interfaces; international urban studies; global southDOI
9783798332270, 9783798332270Publisher website
https://verlag.tu-berlin.de/Publication date and place
Berlin, 2023Classification
Urban and municipal planning and policy
Economic growth