Chapter Colonization of transplanted Posidonia Oceanica: understanding the spatial dynamics through high-spatial resolution underwater photomosaics
Ardizzone, Giandomenico
mancini, gianluca
Ventura, Daniele
Casoli, Edoardo
Belluscio, Andrea
Following the restoration of a P. oceanica meadow impacted by the Concordia shipwreck, we investigated the spatial dynamic of the most important and protected Mediterranean endemic seagrass over a two-year period applying three spatial metrics: number of patches, mean patch size and total cover. By means of underwater photomosaics, we noticed a diminution in the number of patches in favour of the mean size and total cover. The outcomes showed that, under suitable environmental conditions, P. oceanica colonizes rapidly the dead matte substrate.
Posidonia Oceanica; Seagrass restoration; Restoration ecology; Spatial dynamic; Underwater photomosaicDOI
9791221500301, 9791221500301Publisher
Firenze University PressPublisher website date and place
Florence, 2022Series
Monitoring of Mediterranean Coastal Areas: Problems and Measurement Techniques, 1Classification
The environment