Now showing items 641-660 of 3034

    • (2023)
      The EIB Circular Economy Guide highlights the need and rationale for a circular economy transition, with the aim of inspiring circular change. The guide presents how the EIB supports the circular economy through financing, ...
    • (2023)
      Cross-border infrastructure projects are fixed-asset investments that physically link two or more countries via infrastructure, including digital infrastructure, enabling the flow of people, goods, commodities or data. ...
    • (2023)
      The Finance in Africa report emphasises the challenges faced by the African banking sector — including the impact of recent shocks, such as the COVID-19 crisis and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine — and the importance of gender ...
    • (2023)
      Nature-based solutions are cost-effective interventions that provide environmental, social, and economic benefits and build resilience. This report highlights the challenges involved in financing nature-based projects and ...
    • (2023)
      How are climate changes impacting daily life and economic wellbeing? How do people perceive renewable energy solutions?The inaugural African edition of the European Investment Bank Climate Survey provides some insights. ...
    • Schnitzler, Arthur; Müller, Martin Anton (2023)
      Eine »öffentliche Biographie« Arthur Schnitzlers im Spiegel der Zeit - in bislang unerforschten Interviews, Meinungen und Protesten. Arthur Schnitzler gab angeblich keine Interviews, vermied es, Umfragen zu beantworten ...
    • Cortés Cortés, Darwin; Posso, Christian; Villamizar-Villegas, Mauricio (2022)
      Este libro reúne diferentes hallazgos, perspectivas y efectos ante un fenómeno que, más de un año después, todavía representa un reto científico, médico y social para todos. Igualmente, esta obra representa el objetivo de ...
    • Bárcena, Alicia; Torres, Valeria; Muñoz Ávila, Lina (2021)
      Este libro presenta los ensayos resultado de las contribuciones realizadas por reconocidas expertas y expertos sobre desarrollo sostenible y democracia ambiental de América Latina y el Caribe. Su contenido se ha organizado ...
    • Güiza Suárez, Leonardo; Montoya Soto, José Félix; Botero García, Rodrigo; Benítez Tapia, Erika; Cante Puentes, Carlos Andrés (2021)
      Ahora bien, junto con las causas de deforestación expuestas concurre lo que estos autores reconocen como causas subyacentes de la deforestación, las cuales hacen referencia a los factores que refuerzan las causas directas ...
    • Maissen, Thomas; May, Niels F.; Kiesow, Rainer Maria (2023)
      Französischer Zentralismus und deutscher Föderalismus haben konträre historische Wurzeln. Können sie gemeinsam eine europäische Souveränität formen? Heute dient die Verteidigung der Souveränität als nationalistischer ...
    • Güiza Suárez, Leonardo; Suárez, Esperanza; Villamizar Villegas, Mauricio; Correa-Muñoz, Lina Katerine (2020)
      Este libro presenta un análisis de la dimensión social,ambiental, política y jurídica de las principales fuentes de afectación sobrela fauna y flora del país, haciendo énfasis en la identificación de los sujetosinfractores ...
    • Joseph, Debra D.; Doon, Roshnie A. (2023)
      Climate change and urban development threaten health, undermine coping and deepen existing social and environmental inequities. A changing global environment requires transformative social responses: new partnerships, deep ...
    • Anderson-Tempini, Gemma; Dupré, John (2023)
      How the challenge of depicting biological systems can generate productive questions for artists and scientists. An artist drawing cell division faces a problem: what is the best way to visually represent a dynamic process? ...
    • Schuster, Sven; Hernández Quiñones, Óscar Daniel (2017)
      ¿Pueden las imágenes incidir en la historia? ¿Son fieles evidencias del pasado? Esta compilación aparece frente al renovado interés de la disciplina histórica y las ciencias humanas, por interpretar las fuentes visuales ...
    • David, Arlette; Milstein, Rachel; Ornan, Tallay (2023)
      Picturing Royal Charisma assesses how Middle Eastern leaders manipulated visuals to advance their rule from around 4500 BC to the 19th century AD. In nine fascinating narratives, it showcases the dynamics of long-lasting ...
    • Heldt, Amélie (2023)
      Digitale Diskursräume sind aus dem Alltag vieler nicht mehr wegzudenken. Diese Räume werden von Informationsintermediären organisiert und moderiert. Die Moderation nutzergenerierter Inhalte geht mit wichtigen, grundrechtssensiblen ...
    • Prior, Stuart J.; Horton, Mark; Trimmis, Konstantinos (2023)
      Berkeley Castle Tales presents the outcomes of the 15-year-long University of Bristol excavations and landscape research at the Berkeley Castle estate in South Gloucestershire. The project, which in 2016 won the prestigious ...
    • Clack, Timothy; Pollard, Tony (2023)
      War and its legacy are traumatic to individuals, communities, and landscapes. The impacts last long beyond the events themselves and shape lives and generations. Archaeology has a part to play in the recording of, and ...
    • Brenišínová, Monika (2023)
      (Trans)missions: Monasteries as Sites of Cultural Transfers focuses on the Catholic tradition of consecrated life (vita religiosa) from the High Middle Ages to the present. It gathers papers by authors from various ...
    • Bellezza, John Vincent (2023)
      Focusing on the eastern part of the region, this is the first in a series of five volumes that comprehensively document rock art in Upper Tibet. It examines a panoply of graphic evidence found on stone surfaces, supplying ...