Dynamic Model-based Analysis of Oxygen Reduction Reaction in Gas Diffusion Electrodes
In this work, the first simulation model of oxygen depolarized cathodes (ODC), which are silver catalyst-based gas diffusion electrodes, is presented that considers the phase equilibrium of the gas-liquid interface and structure-related inhomogeneities in electrolyte distribution. By means of the model it has been identified that mass transport of water and ions in the liquid phase is a crucial factor for electrode performance and how it is influenced by the electrode structure.
Chlor-alkali electrolysis; Three-phase model; Electrochemical Mass Spectroscopy; Inhomogeneous electrode structure; Chloralkali-Elektrolyse; Dreiphasen Modellierung; Elektrochemische Massenspektroskopie; Maxwell-Stefan Diffusion; Inhomogene ElektrodenstrukturDOI
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Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Angewandte Materialien, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, 109Classification
Electrical engineering