Chapter Improving BIM Authoring Process Reproducibility with Enhanced BIM Logging
Jang, Suhyung
Lee, Ghang
This paper presents an enhanced BIM logger designed to capture both geometry and attribute changes of building element geometries, thereby offering a transparent source of representation of the BIM authoring process. The authors developed the logger and reproduction algorithm using the Revit C# API based on the analysis of information required to define building elements and associated attributes. The enhanced BIM log was evaluated through a case study of Villa Savoye designed by Le Corbusier. Despite negligible discrepancies, the results show that the enhanced BIM log can accurately represent the BIM authoring process capturing and reproducing 92.45% of the building elements from the original BIM model. Future research can focus on expanding the scope of logging and probing the potential of automating the BIM authoring process using these enhanced BIM logs
Building information modeling (BIM); BIM log mining; BIM authoring software; Custom BIM log; Authoring process reproducibilityDOI
9791221502893, 9791221502893Publisher
Firenze University PressPublisher website date and place
Florence, 2023Series
Proceedings e report, 137Classification