Chapter Building Rooftop Analysis for Solar Panel Installation Through Point Cloud Classification - A Case Study of National Taiwan University
Chen, Chien-Wen
Kumar, Pavan
Hsieh, Shang-Hsien
Pal, Aritra
Chang, Yun-Tsui
Wu, Chen-Hung
As climate change intensifies, we must embrace renewable solutions like solar energy to combat greenhouse gas emissions. Harnessing the sun's power, solar energy provides a limitless and eco-friendly source of electricity, reducing our reliance on fossil fuels. Rooftops offer prime real estate for solar panel installation, optimizing sun exposure, and maximizing clean energy generation at the point of use. For installing solar panels, inspecting the suitability of building rooftops is essential because faulty roof structures or obstructions can cause a significant reduction in power generation. Computer vision-based methods proved helpful in such inspections in large urban areas. However, previous studies mainly focused on image-based checking, which limits their usability in 3D applications such as roof slope inspection and building height determination required for proper solar panel installation. This study proposes a GIS-integrated urban point cloud segmentation method to overcome these challenges. Specifically, given a point cloud of a metropolitan area, first, it is localized in the GIS map. Then a deep-learning-based point cloud classification model is trained to detect buildings and rooftops. Finally, a rule-based checking determines the building height, roof slopes, and their appropriateness for solar panel installation. While testing at the National Taiwan University campus, the proposed method demonstrates its efficacy in assessing urban rooftops for solar panel installation
Sustainable campus; renewable energy; point cloud segmentation; deep learningDOI
9791221502893, 9791221502893Publisher
Firenze University PressPublisher website date and place
Florence, 2023Series
Proceedings e report, 137Classification
Computing and Information Technology