Chapter Аспекты рецепции русской литературы в Италии периода фашизма
Aspects of the reception of Russian culture and literature in Italy during the fascist period. Many studies are dedicated to the reception of Russian literature in Italy with a really extensive bibliography on specific aspects of the question. However, there is still no comprehensive monograph on the subject as a whole. Russian literature became popular in Italy at the end of the ‘80s of the 19th century after being almost completely ignored. A deepened comprehention and awareness of Russian literature was gained in the first decades of the 20th century, when exoticism was gradually supplanted by familiarity. The 20’s are the time when Russian literature and culture can be considered a modern classic for the average Italian. Fascism’s attitude to the Soviet experiment was by no means unequivocal, and Russian literature had a specific influence on intellectual life in Italy and served as a factor in its defense of intellectual freedom during the 20 years of fascist power. Almost all major Soviet writers are translated and published in Italy in the 20’s. The situation will radically change in the 30’s, when the censorship will take over and the confrontation will become unambiguous.
Reception of Russian literature in Italy; Italian fascism and culture; Translation studies; Russian diaspora in Italy; Fascism and communismDOI
9791221502381, 9791221502381Publisher
Firenze University PressPublisher website date and place
Florence, 2023Series
Biblioteca di Studi Slavistici, 55Classification
Literature: history and criticism