Chapter Космическое и органическое в поэзии Михайля Семенко
Cosmic World in the Poetry of Mikhail Semenko. In this article we explore the cosmic and organic in Semenko’s poems, which are inherited primarily from the poets of the Gileya group, particulary Elena Guro and, through them, the philosopher Nikolay Fedorov. For the poetics of Quero-Futurism, which Semenko asserts, the main thing represents leaving the microcosm for the macrocosm, overcoming earthly space, as well as entering the immense future. This is why, for Semenko, the “aviator” is a symbol not only of the new man and the new times but also of man’s triumph over earthly obstacles in a project of creating an international brotherhood between people in the universal space.
Mikhail Semenko; Philosophy of cosmism; Organic art; Ukrainian futurism; Russian Avant-gardeDOI
9791221502381, 9791221502381Publisher
Firenze University PressPublisher website date and place
Florence, 2023Series
Biblioteca di Studi Slavistici, 55Classification
Literature: history and criticism