Chapter Concorrenza e/o alternanza di ‘vocativo: nominativo’ nei termini volgari in serbo(croato), polacco e bulgaro. Un’analisi qualitativa
In those Slavic languages where the vocative inflectional case endings are used inconsistently, a statistically increased occurrence of vocative’s endings can be observed with nouns having a diminutive or hypocoristic semantics. Assuming that is the ‘affective charge’ of some specific nouns which enhances the probability of vocative case forms, the present paper has two aims: 1. to verify empirically in three Slavic languages (Serbian, Polish, Bulgarian) whether the vocative case is better preserved with nouns having a derogatory semantics (insults and bad words), 2. to establish which are the rules governing their use.
Vocative case; Nominative case; Slavic languages (Serbian; Polish; Bulgarian); Derogatory words; Competing inflectional case endingsDOI
9791221502169, 9791221502169Publisher
Firenze University PressPublisher website date and place
Florence, 2023Series
Biblioteca di Studi Slavistici, 54Classification
Literature: history and criticism