A Literary History of Medicine
The ʿUyūn al-anbāʾ fī ṭabaqāt al-aṭibbāʾ of Ibn Abī Uṣaybiʿah. Volume 2-1: Arabic Edition
Gelder, Geert Jan (editor)
Savage-Smith, Emilie (editor)
Swain, Simon (editor)
Arabic; EnglishAbstract
A Literary History of Medicine by the Syrian physician Ibn Abī Uṣaybiʿah (d. 1270) is the earliest comprehensive history of medicine. It contains biographies of over 432 physicians, ranging from the ancient Greeks to the author’s contemporaries, describing their training and practice, often as court physicians, and listing their medical works; all this interlaced with poems and anecdotes. These volumes present the first complete and annotated translation along with a new edition of the Arabic text showing the stages in which the author composed the work. Introductory essays provide important background. The reader will find on these pages an Islamic society that worked closely with Christians and Jews, deeply committed to advancing knowledge and applying it to health and wellbeing.
Greco-Roman; ancient healthcare; medieval healthcare; Arabic literature; Arabic poetry; medieval history; medieval society; ʿUyūn; IslamDOI
9789004545571, 9789004410541, 9789004696563, 9789004545571Publisher
BrillPublisher website
https://brill.com/Publication date and place
Middle Eastern history
History of science