Tableau Methods for Propositional Logic and Term Logic
The book aims to formalise tableau methods for the logics of propositions and names. The methods described are based on Set Theory. The tableau rule was reduced to an ordered n-tuple of sets of expressions where the first element is a set of premises, and the following elements are its supersets.
Formalization; Gałecki; Hartman; Iwona; Jarmuzek; Leśniewicz; Logic; logic of names; logical; Łukasz; Methods; philosophical logic; proof theory; Propositional; propositional logic; Sentences; Tableau; tableu methods; Term; TomaszDOI
9783631846537, 9783631846667, 9783631846674, 9783631833728, 9783631846537Publisher website date and place
Bern, 2021Series
Studies in Philosophy, History of Ideas and Modern Societies, 20Classification