Hoofdstuk 6 - Interlandelijke adoptie naar Nederland: de voortzetting van een gemankeerd beleid
Balk, Yannick
Frerks, Georg
de Graaf, Beatrice
In this chapter, we address the question of whether and to what extent the currently proposed policy provides an adequate response to the abuses identified in the COIA report. We first discuss the main observations and recommendations from the report. Then, we examine the changes proposed by the minister and the outlines of the new system. Based on the published COIA research and insights from the scientific literature, we scrutinize the newly proposed policy. We will conclude that intercountry adoption in the new configuration still remains vulnerable to risks and issues that are insufficiently safeguarded. We point to arguments that unequivocally advocate for the cessation of intercountry adoption, even when the changes proposed by the government are implemented. We also argue that the government is ignoring significant facts and considerations from the international scientific literature. Ultimately, we argue in this chapter that a resumption of intercountry adoption (even in the proposed modified form) is undesirable.
transnational adoption; transnational reproductionDOI
9789461175311, 9789461175618, 9789461175601, 9789461175311Publisher website
https://www.aspeditions.be/en-gb/home.htmPublication date and place
Brussels, 2023Imprint
ASP EditionsClassification
Adoption and fostering