Intersectional Challenges to Cohesion?
On Marginalization in an Inclusive Society
Namer, Yudit (editor)
Stöcker, Anne (editor)
Ashour, Amani (editor)
Dieckmann, Janine (editor)
Schmidt, Philipp (editor)
Zurbriggen, Carmen (editor)
Social cohesion and marginalization in international and interdisciplinary perspective From different academic perspectives, the volume highlights realities of life and experiences of people in a diverse society on an individual, social, and political level, which are related to their ascribed non-normativity. The book combines different research approaches and results on intersectionality and marginalization discussing their relation to social cohesion. It contributes to a better understanding of how marginalized groups are marked as »not belonging« based on multiple dimensions and are systematically excluded in terms of participation and other democratic principles.
intersectionality;disability;diversity;marginalization;inclusion;exclusion;discrimination;social participation;Disability Studies;inclusive education;ableism;civic engagement;Diversity Studies;Open Access;Public Health;racism;stigmatizationDOI
9783593518190, 9783593455853Publisher
Campus VerlagPublication date and place
Frankfurt am Main, 2024Series
Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt, 7Classification
Social Integration and assimilation
Social discrimination and social justice