Dynamische Charakteristik von Eisenbahnrahmenbrücken
Dissertations in Series (Dissertationen in Schriftenreihe)
Ein Beitrag zur Klärung von Modelldiskrepanzen
Railway bridges are subject to dynamic loads caused by train crossings. To assess the risk of resonance, the dynamic properties are analysed using FE simulations. The identification of the dynamic system often proves to be difficult. In this thesis, the material-related influencing factors and the influence of the soil-structure interaction on the dynamic characteristics of railway portal frame bridges are investigated. Based on this, a calculation model is developed.
calculation model; soil-structure interaction; dynamic characteristics; Railway portal frame bridges; Prognosemodell; Boden-Bauwerk-Interaktion; Dynamische Charakteristik; EisenbahnrahmenbrückenDOI
KIT Scientific PublishingPublisher website
https://www.ksp.kit.edu/index.php?link=shop&sort=allPublication date and place
Karlsruher Reihe Massivbau, Baustofftechnologie, Materialprüfung, 25Classification
Civil engineering, surveying and building