Immersives Lehren und Lernen mit Augmented und Virtual Reality - Teil 1
Degonda, Adrian (other)
Dengel, Andreas (other)
Zembala, Anna (other)
Kamin, Anna-Maria (other)
Beckmann, Astrid (other)
Bowien-Jansen, Beate (other)
Alves Siegle, Beatriz (other)
Baerlocher, Bianca (other)
Hainke, Carolin (other)
Wienrich, Carolin (other)
Schäfer, Caterina (other)
Hartmann, Christian (other)
Braun, Christoph (other)
Wyss, Corinne (other)
Wiesche, David (other)
Xie, Dianchu (other)
Winther, Esther (other)
Kayali, Fares (other)
Furrer, Florian (other)
Steinbock, Jeanine (other)
Wimmer, Jeffrey (other)
Paeßens, Jessica (other)
Dyrna, Jonathan (other)
Buchner, Josef (other)
Kelly, Kathrin (other)
Wepner, Kim (other)
Florian, Lena (other)
Meyer, Leonard (other)
Tüshaus, Ludger (other)
Chaudhry, Maiyra (other)
Brückmann, Maja (other)
Latoschik, Marc Erich (other)
Menzel, Mareike (other)
Bannert, Maria (other)
Eisenmann, Maria (other)
Holzapfel, Marisa Alena (other)
Bartolles, Maureen (other)
Kerres, Michael (other)
Mulders, Miriam (other)
Tröster, Monika (other)
Schweiger, Moritz (other)
Hartmann, Mutfried (other)
Tschanz, Nathaly (other)
Przybylka, Nicola (other)
Arndt, Nicolas (other)
Zender, Raphael (other)
Hein, Rebecca (other)
Bakenhus, Silke (other)
Seeling, Stefanie (other)
Schulte, Sven (other)
Pfeiffer, Thies (other)
Moser, Thomas (other)
Hejna, Urszula (other)
Bührer, Wolfgang (other)
Tahiri, Yasamin (other)
Themenheft 47: Immersives Lehren und Lernen mit Augmented und Virtual Reality - Teil 1. Herausgegeben von Josef Buchner, Miriam Mulders, Andreas Dengel und Raphael Zender
9783039780167, 9783039780716, 9783039780167Publisher
OAPublishing CollectivePublication date and place
Zürich, 2022Series
Themenhefte, 47Classification
Media studies: internet, digital media and society
Social media / social networking