Reading Capital's Materialist Dialectic
Marx, Spinoza, and the Althusserians
While the explicit Althusserian engagement with Marx’s Capital remained largely limited to Reading Capital, after 1968, Nick Nesbitt argues, this theoretical intervention remained insistent, adopting the form of a general theory of materialist dialectic. The book thus analyzes the Althusserianist theory of a materialist dialectic across diverse sites including Althusser’s unpublished archive, Macherey’s exposition of Spinoza’s Ethics, and Badiou’s Logics of Worlds, while simultaneously bringing this fully-developed theory of materialist dialectic to bear anew on the reading of Capital itself, to show that Spinoza's influence on Marx is far greater--and that of Hegel increasingly diminishing--than has been previously thought.
Alain Badiou; Capital; Dialectical theory; Etienne Balibar; Hegel and Marx; Karl Marx; Louis Althusser; Pierre Macherey; Reading Capital; SpinozaDOI
9789004703599, 9789004548688, 9789004703599Publisher
BrillPublisher website date and place
Sign languages, Braille and other linguistic communication
Language learning: writing skills