Panentheism and Cosmopolitanism
A Very Short Introduction to the Philosophy of Karl Christian Friedrich Krause (1781-1832)
Karl Christian Friedrich Krause (1781-1832) developed a fascinating cosmopolitanism against the background of his panentheistic metaphysics. In Krause’s panentheistic cosmopolitanism, every individual, every family, every friendship, every nation, every league of peoples, and finally, the global civil society itself is called upon to realize the ideals of virtue, law, beauty, and divinity. Because in Krause’s panentheistic system of philosophy, humanity is at the centre of the Absolute, as the union of Reason and Nature, humanity is, in effect, called upon, and is capable of establishing the league of humanity as the imageof the Absolute, in and by freedom for excellence.
Benedikt; Christian; Cosmopolitanism; cross-cultural philosophy; Friedrich; German Idealism; Göcke; Indian philosophy; Introduction; Karl; Karl Christian Friedrich Krause; Krause; Krausismo; Monism; Panentheism; Paul; Philosophy; ShortDOI
9783631913765, 9783631913772, 9783631896242, 9783631913765Publisher website date and place
Bern, 2024Classification
Religion and beliefs
Biography: philosophy and social sciences
East Asian and Indian philosophy
Philosophy: metaphysics and ontology
Social and political philosophy