Colectivas, parlantes y populares
algunas juventudes y violencias en México y otros países latinoamericanos
Ritondale, Elena (editor)
Bautista Rojas, Enrique (editor)
This book, without pretending to be an exhaustive analysis of recent feminist protests or a complete review of Latin American geography and the diversity of forms of its organization, seeks to situate some of the actions in the interdisciplinary study of the relationship between youth and violence, meanings and affects that arise from the confluence between feminist theory and research and young women's activism. Such an affective framing is closely related to the fatigue of women in the face of the violence they suffer at all levels due to the fact of being women, but perhaps it also serves as a guide to understand the tensions and feelings that young people experience, whether in communities, in search for spaces of speech from precariousness or migration, or from experiences that arise from living new subjective relationships from the popular. The compiled works share an interest in meaning the lives of youth located in circuits that operate from fear, hatred and uncertainty, but also from community, association and change.
Gender studies, youth and violence, feminist activism, women's situationDOI
9788491924562, 9783968696256, 9783968696263Publisher
Iberoamericana VervuertPublisher website date and place
Bibliotheca Ibero-Americana, 196Classification
Society and culture: general